What are HAP Free Solvents?
HAP Free solvents, or non-HAP solvents, are solvents that have HAP contents equal to or lower than the limits set by the EPA. HAPs stands for Hazardous Air Pollutants. These pollutants are known, or suspected, to cause, cancer, birth defects, or negatively impact the environment. So, HAP Free solvents have no amounts to acceptably low amounts of pollutants that could cause harm to people and the environment.
What are VOC Exempt Solvents?
VOC Exempt solvents are organic compounds that are exempt from VOC regulations even though they are carbon compounds. VOC Exempt solvents do not contribute to ozone or its diminishment. There are not currently many VOC Exempt solvents.
Differences Between HAP Free Solvents and VOC Exempt Solvents
The main difference between HAP Free solvents and VOC Exempt solvents is why they’re regulated. HAP Free solvents are concerned with reducing HAPS, which can cause medical issues in humans and problems in the environment. These environmental issues do not usually involve ozone. For VOC Exempt Solvents, the primary concern is ozone and its depletion.
What are HAP Free Solvents Used For?
HAP Free solvents come in many forms and have various uses. Like traditional solvents, some HAP Free solvents are used for:
- cleaning
- tissue staining and general processing
- laboratory work
- painting
- coatings
- inks
- adhesives
What are VOC Exempt Solvents Used For?
VOC Exempt solvents are also versatile like traditional solvents and can be found in many workplaces. A few of the uses for various VOC Exempt solvents are:
- coatings
- adhesives
- sealants
- elastomers
- cleaning
- degreasing
Looking to Make the Switch to HAP Free and VOC Exempt Solvents?
TidalWasher’s provides a wide variety of effective HAP Free and VOC Exempt Solvents available! If you would like more information about these products or have additional questions, contact us here!